Selected Publications
Xie, J., Adjei, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2024). The impact of different instructor participation approaches in asynchronous online discussions on student performance. Online Learning Journal, 28(4).
Batsaikhan, B. (Zack), & Correia, A.-P. (2024). The effects of Generative Artificial Intelligence on Intelligent Tutoring Systems in higher education: A systematic review. Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning, 4(1).
Qi, R., Correia, A.-P., Liu, C., Xu, F., & Li, T. (2024). Forging connections in a digital world: Are educational organizations maximizing their position in the Twittersphere? Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 17(2), 134-155.
Correia, A.-P., Hickey, M. S., & Xu, F. (2024). Beyond the virtual classroom: Integrating artificial intelligence in online learning. Distance Education, 1-11.
Correia, A.-P., Hickey, M. S., & Xu, F. (2024). Explorando a Integração da IA Generativa na Educação: Oportunidades, Desafios e Considerações Éticas [Exploring the Integration of AI in Education: Opportunities, Challenges and Ethical Considerations]. In E. Santos, A. Chagas, & J. B. Bottentuit Jr. (Eds.), ChatGPT e Educação na Cibercultura: Fundamentos e Primeiras Aproximações com Inteligêcia Artificial, Volume I (pp. 18 — 48). EDUFMA [in Portuguese].
Liu, C., Wang, Y., Evans, M., & Correia, A.-P. (2024). Critical antecedents of mobile learning acceptance and moderation effects: A meta-analysis on technology acceptance model. Education and Information Technologies.
Xu*, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2024). Measuring Mutual Engagement in the context of middle-school pair programming: Development and validation of a self-reported questionnaire. Computers in Human Behavior Reports.
Julian, D., Ross, M., Walker, K., Johnson, G., & Correia, A.-P. (2024). Translational research approaches in land-grant institutions: A case study of the REDI movement. Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, 28(1), 81-96.
Hickey, S., & Correia, A.-P. (2024). Centering the learner within instructional design: The evolution of learning design and the emergence of learning experience design (LXD) in workforce training and development. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 52(4), 429-447.
Correia, A.-P., & Good, K. (2023). Exploring the relationships between student perceptions and educational technology utilization in higher education. Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange, 16(1), 92-107.
Santos, E., & Correia, A.-P. (2023). Educação on-line na pós-graduação stricto sensu: O caso da unidade curricular “Applied Instructional Design” do Programa de Pós-Graduação On-line em Tecnologia Educativa da Universidade do Estado de Ohio nos Estados Unidos. Interfaces Científicas - Educação, 12(1). [in Portuguese]
Xu, F., Hewlett, D., & Correia, A.-P. (2023). Exploring the Landscape of Computational Thinking Resources on Teachers-Pay-Teachers: Resources Characteristics and User Evaluations. Journal of Interactive Learning Research, 34(1), 9-36.
Xie, J., & Correia, A.-P. (2023). The effects of instructor participation in asynchronous online discussions on student performance: A systematic review. British Journal of Educational Technology, 00, 1–19.
Correia, A.-P. (April 2023). É o ChatGPT uma nova tendência no Ensino Superior? Revista Docência e Cibercultura, Notícias. ISSN: 2594-9004 [in Portuguese].
Hickey, S., Correia, A.-P., Xu, F. (2023). The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Learning & Development: Understanding ChatGPT – A Quick Reference. The Ohio State University, Center on Education and Training for Employment. Available for free at the Apple Bookstore. And also at
Xu, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2023). Adopting distributed pair programming as an effective team learning activity: A systematic review. Journal of Computing in Higher Education, 36, 320–349.
Julian, D.A., Baker, E., Correia, A.-P., Qi, R., Ross, M., & Walker, K. (2023). Refocusing the Translational Research Paradigm on Problem-solving and Community Engagement: Recommendations from a Critical Review of the Literature. Collaborations: A Journal of Community-Based Research and Practice, 6(1),1–13.
Liu, C., Correia, A.-P., & Kim, Y.-M. (2022). An innovative mobile learning acceptance model for out-of-classroom learning. In M. Simonson & D. Seepersaud (Eds.), 45th Annual Association for Educational Communications and Technology Proceedings: Volume 1 - Research and Development Papers (pp. 210-219). Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Correia, A.-P., & Santos, E. (2022). Mestrado Online. Edméa Santos (UFRRJ) e Ana-Paula Correia (The Ohio State University) conversaram e trocam experiências sobre ensino e aprendizagens online. Revista Periferia: Educação, Cultura & Comunicação, 14(3), 63-80 [in Portuguese]. doi: 10.12957/periferia.2022.71410
Xu, F., Xie, J. & Correia, A.-P. (2022). How Users Seek Computational Thinking Resources on Teachers-Pay-Teachers: A Review-Based Content Analysis. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference (pp. 85-91). Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
Hickey, S., Correia, A.-P., & Fergus, K. (2022). The DACUM Virtual Institute: A Case Study in Designing for Adult Learners. In P. Sullivan, B. Sullivan, & J. Lantz (Eds.), Cases on innovative and successful uses of digital resources for online learning (262-284). IGI Global.
🏆 Best Book Chapter Award, Association for Educational Communications & Technology (AECT), Division of Distance Learning.
Liu, C., & Correia, A.-P. (2021). A case study of learners’ engagement in mobile learning applications. Online Learning Journal, 25(4).
Correia, A.-P., & Halabi, A. (2021). Tablet Devices in the Classroom: Their Instructional Role with Children on the Autism Spectrum. Journal of Educational Technology Systems (Article first published online: October 18, 2021).
Correia, A.-P., Hickey, S., Lepicki, T., & Willis, A. (2021). Meeting online learners where they are: e-Learning during a time of pandemic. eLearn Magazine (August 2021).
Xu, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2021). A systematic review of distributed pair programming based on the team effectiveness model. In C.K. Looi, B. Wadhwa, V. Dagiené, P. Seow, Y.H. Kee, & L.K. Wu (Eds.), Proceedings of the 5th APSCE International Computational Thinking and STEM in Education Conference 2021 (pp. 85-86). Singapore National Institute of Education.
Julian, D., Bussell, K., Correia, A.-P., Lepicki, T., Qi, R., Ross, M., & Walker, K. (2021). Common Models and Sub-Processes Inherent to Translational Research: Public Health Examples of Science for the Public Good. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship, 13(2).
Correia, A.-P. (2021). Community of Inquiry in a Collectivist/Feminine Society: An Examination. In J. Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee, & Marcus D. Childress (Eds.), Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice and Policy (pp. 1-22). Springer.
2020 and older
Martins, V., Santos, E., & Correia, A.-P. (2020). Google My Maps as a conduit to culturally rich learning experiences. In M. Simonson, & D. J. Seepersaud (Eds.), 43rd Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Volume 2 – Selected Papers on the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 406-414). Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Romero-Hall, E., Correia, A.-P., Branch, R., Cevik, Y. D., Dickson-Deane, C., Chen, B., Liu, C., Tang, H., Vasconcelos, L., Pallitt, N., & Thankachan, B. (2020). Futurama: Learning, Design and Technology Research Methods. In E. Romero-Hall (Ed.), Research Methods in Learning Design and Technology (pp. 206–226). Routledge.
Correia, A.-P., Liu, C., & Xu, F. (2020). Evaluating videoconferencing systems for the quality of the educational experience. Distance Education.
Correia, A.-P. (2020). Finding Junctures in Learning Design and Entrepreneurship: A Case of Experiential Learning in Online Education. In M. J. Bishop, E. Boling, J. Elen & V. Svihla (Eds.), Handbook of Research in Educational Communications and Technology (5th edition) (pp. 689–712. Springer.
Correia, A.-P. (2020). Healing the digital divide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Quarterly Review of Distance Education, 21(1), 13–21.
Gonçalves, S., Dias, P. & Correia, A.-P. (2020). Nomophobia and lifestyle: Smartphone use and its relationship to psychopathologies. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 2(August-December 2020).
Featured/mentioned in The Columbus Dispatch and Ohio State News.
Chatterjee, R. & Correia, A.-P. (2020). Online students’ attitudes towards collaborative learning and sense of community. American Journal of Distance Education.
🏆 Best Journal Article (Quantitative) Award, Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Division of Distance Learning.
Correia, A.-P. (2019). Dealing with conflict in learning teams immersed in technology-rich environments: A mixed-methods study. Education and Information Technologies.
Leach, A., North, C., Correia, A.-P., Shroyer, T. (2019). Are Instructional Design Graduates Ready for the Real World? A Panel Discussion. In M. Simonson & D. J. Seepersaud (Eds.), 42nd Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Volume 2 – Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 371-377). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Korkmaz, C., & Correia, A.-P. (2019). A review of research on machine learning in educational technology. Educational Media International.
Correia, A.-P., North, C. A., Korkmaz, C., Simmerman, V. E. & Bruce Wallace, K. A. (2019). Authentic Online Discussions: A Narrative Inquiry into Sharing Leadership and Facilitation Among Teachers and Students. International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL), 18(2), 165-189.
Koehler, N., Correia, A.-P., Alpay, N. & LeVally, C. (2018). Determining the Cognitive Value of Online Interactive Multimedia in Statistics Education. In P. Escudeiro, G. Costagliola, S. Zvacek, J. Uhomoibhi, & B. M. McLaren (Eds.), Computers Supported Education (pp. 138-153). Singpore: Springer Nature.
Leach, A., North, C. A., Gintert, Correia, A.-P., Archambault, L. (2018). Portrait of a Modern Online Graduate Student in Educational Technology: A Panel Discussion. In M. Simonson & D. J. Seepersaud (Eds.), 41st Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Volume 2 – Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 325-334). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Correia, A.-P (2018). As Múltiplas Facetas da Curadoria de Conteúdos Digitais [The Many Expressions of Digital Content Curation]. Revista Docência e Cibercultura, 2(3), 14-32 (in Portuguese)
Correia, A.-P. (2018) (Ed.). Driving Educational Change: Innovations in Action. E-book, available at
Heideimann, S. P., Moreno, E., Correia, A.-P. (2018). Using technology to support chemistry teaching and learning in the context of Brazilian distance education. World Journal of Chemical Education, 6(5), 223-229.
Correia, A.-P., Koehler, N., Thompson, A. & Phye, G. (2018). The application of PhET simulation to teach gas behavior on the submicroscopic level: Secondary school students’ perceptions. Research in Science & Technological Education, 37(2), 193-217. http://10.1080/02635143.2018.1487834
Yusop, F. D. & Correia, A.-P. (2018). Teaching Online Simplified: A Quick Guide for Instructors. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya Press, 110 p. ISBN: 978-983-100-948-2.
Correia, A.P., North, C.A., Korkmaz, C., Simmerman, V.E. & Bruce Wallace, K.A. (2018). No prior experience necessary: Reflecting on the learning experiences offered by student-created online discussions. In T. Bastiaens, J. Van Braak, M. Brown, L. Cantoni, M. Castro, R. Christensen, G. Davidson-Shivers, K. DePryck, M. Ebner, M. Fominykh, C. Fulford, S. Hatzipanagos, G. Knezek, K. Kreijns, G. Marks, E. Sointu, E. Korsgaard Sorensen, J. Viteli, J. Voogt, P. Weber, E. Weippl & O. Zawacki-Richter (Eds.), Proceedings of EdMedia: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (pp. 2205-2218). Waynesville, NC: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
North, C. A., Leach, A., Gintert, N., Nunn, T., Correia, A.-P. (2017). Evaluation of the Duolingo English Test: Implications for K-12 English Language Learners. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 40th Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Volume 2 – Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 204-207). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Correia, A.-P. (2017). Como criar e manter interações de qualidade em cursos online? – O potencial da moderação por pares e curadoria [How to create and sustain high quality interactions in online courses? - The potential of peers’ moderation and digital curation]. EaD em Foco: Revista Científica em Educação a Distância, 7(1) (in Portuguese)
Correia, A.-P. (2017). Are social media alternatives to learning management systems when teaching online? In W.K.W. Ma et al. (eds.), In Ma W., Chan CK., Tong K., Fung H., Fong C. (eds), New Ecology for Education — Communication X Learning. Singapore: Springer
Correia, A.-P. & Koehler, N. (2017). How to Create and Sustain Meaningful Discussions in Online Courses? In P. Escudeiro, G. Costagliola, S. Zvacek, J. Uhomoibhi and B. M. McLaren (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017), Volume 2 (pp. 300-304). Porto, Portugal: Science and Technology Publications.
Koehler, N., Correia, A.-P., Alpay, N. & LeVally, C. (2017). Formative Evaluation of a Web-Based Multimedia Intervention to Support Learning of Statistics. In P. Escudeiro, G. Costagliola, S. Zvacek, J. Uhomoibhi and B. M. McLaren (Eds), Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2017), Volume 1 (pp. 92-99). Porto, Portugal: Science and Technology Publications.
Correia, A.-P. (2017). Alternative ways of involving stakeholders: The rise of entrepreneurism in higher education and the case of a learning enterprise. In T. Brinda, N. Mavengere, I. Haukijärvi, C. Lewin & D. Passey (Eds.), Stakeholders and Information Technology in Education (pp.124-129). Switzerland: Springer International.
Baran, E., & Correia, A.-P. (2017). What Motivates Exemplary Online Teachers? A Multiple Case Study. In Michael Spector, Barbara B. Lockee and Marcus D. Childress (eds.), Learning, Design, and Technology: An International Compendium of Theory, Research, Practice, Policy (pp. 1-17). Switzerland: Springer International.
Oberfoell, A. & Correia, A.-P. (2016). Understanding the role of the modality principle in multimedia learning environments. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 32(6), 607–617.
Halabi, A. & Correia, A.-P., (2016). Understanding the use of tablet devices in the classroom when teaching a group of learners diagnosed with autism. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 39th Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology: Volume 2 – On the Practice of Educational Communications and Technology (pp. 224-234). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Correia, A.-P. & Jaramillo Cherrez, N. (2016). Strengthening Learner Participation in Online Courses: The Role of Digital Content Curation. In M. Simonson (Ed.), 39th Annual Proceedings of Association for Educational Communications and Technology Volume 1 – Selected Research and Development Papers (pp .21-23). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT).
Bragazzi, N.L., Del Puente, G., Adavastro, G., Pompei, V., Siri, A., Rania, N., Correia, A.-P. & Yildirim, C. (2016). Translation and validation of the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) in Italian language: Insights from factor analysis. European Psychiatry, 33, S390. doi: 10.1016/j.eurpsy.2016.01.1110
Correia, A.-P. (2016) (Ed.). Change-Thinking to Innovate. E-book, available at
Yildirim, C. & Correia, A.-P. (2015). Understanding Nomophobia: A Modern Age Phobia among College Students. In P. Zaphiris and A. Ioannou (Eds.), Learning and Collaboration Technologies (pp. 724-735). Switzerland: Springer International.
Yildirim, C. & Correia, A.-P (2015). Exploring the Dimensions of Nomophobia: Development and Validation of a Self-Reported Questionnaire. Computers in Human Behavior, 49 (August 2015), 130-137.
Featured/mentioned in Today Show; HuffPost; Scientific American; The Conversation (French edition)
Correia, A.-P. (2015). Collaborative Communication Tools and Technologies. In J. M. Spector (Ed.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Technology (pp.125-128). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Schultz, T. & Correia, A.-P. (2015). Organizational Support in Online Learning Environments: Examination of Support Factors in Corporate Online Learning Implementation. International Journal of E-Learning, 14(1), 83-95.
Koehler, N., Thompson, A., Correia, A.-P. & Hagedorn, L. (2014). Designing online software for teaching the concept of variable that facilitates mental interaction with the material: systemic approach. Educational Technology Research & Development, 63(1), 97-124.
Baran, E., & Correia, A.-P. (2014). A Professional Development Framework for Online Teaching. Tech Trends, 58(5), 95-101.
Yusop, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2014). On becoming a civic-minded instructional designer: An ethnographic study of an instructional design experience. British Journal of Educational Technology, 45(5), 782-792.
🏆 Best Journal Article Award, Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Design & Development Division.
Correia, A.-P., (2013). Creating Curriculum within the context of an Enterprise. In M. Gosper & D. Ifenthaler (Eds.), Curriculum Models for the 21st Century: Using Learning Technologies in Higher Education (pp. 113-134). New York: Springer.
Strohbehn, C., Shelley, Mack C., Arendt, S., Correia, A.-P., Meyer, J., Ungku Zainal Abidin, U. F. & Jun, J. (2014). Retail Foodservice Employees’ Perceptions of Barriers and Motivational Factors that Influence Performance of Safe Food Behaviors. Food Protection Trends, 34(3), p. 139-150.
Yusop, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2013). The benefits and Challenges of Implementing Service-learning in an Advanced Instructional Design and Technology Curricula: Implications for Teaching Professional Courses. The New Educational Review, 32(2), 220-232
Baran, E., & Correia, A.-P. & Thompson, A. (2013). Tracing successful online teaching in higher education: Voices of exemplary online teachers. Teachers College Record, 115(3), p.1-41.
🏆 Best Journal Article Award, Association of Educational Communications and Technology (AECT), Distance Learning Division.
Yusop, F., & Correia, A.-P. (2012). The civic-minded instructional designers framework: An alternative approach to contemporary instructional designers’ education in higher education. British Journal of Educational Technology, 43(2), 180-190.
Correia, A.-P. (2012) (Ed.). Breaking the Mold: An Educational Perspective on Diffusion of Innovation. Wikibook/textbook, available at:
Baran, E., Correia, A.-P. & Thompson, A. (2012). Paths to Exemplary Online Teaching: A Look at Teacher Roles, Competencies and Exemplary Online Teaching. T. J. Bastiaens & G. H. Marks (Eds.), Education and Information Technology 2012: A Selection of AACE Award Papers (pp. 229- 236). Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
🏆 Outstanding Paper Award, Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
Baran, E., & Correia, A.-P. & Thompson, A. (2011). Transforming online teaching practice: A critical analysis of the online teaching literature. Distance Education, 32(3), 421 439.
Silva, K., Correia, A.-P., & Pardo-Ballester, C. (2010). A faculty mentoring experience: learning together in second life. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 26(4), 149-159. 10.1080/10402454.2010.10784648
Correia, A.-P., Wolt, J. (2010). Graduate education in risk analysis for food, agriculture and veterinary medicine: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Education, 39, 109-119.
Correia, A.-P., & Baran, E. (2010). Lessons learned on facilitating asynchronous discussions for online learning. Educação, Formação & Tecnologias, 3(1), 59‐67.
Compton, L., Davis, N.E., & Correia, A.-P. (2010). Pre-service teachers’ preconceptions, misconceptions, and concerns of virtual schooling. Distance Education, 31(1), 37-54.
Correia, A.-P. (2010). Desenho de experiências colaborativas para a educação á distância [Design of collaborative experiences for distance education]. EaD em Foco: Revista Científica em Educação a Distância, 1(1), 113-158. (in Portuguese)
Correia, A.-P., Niehm, L., & Yusop, F. (2010). Entrepreneurship education in educational technology: Bridging academic knowledge and professional practice. In Ethné Swartz (Ed.), Proceedings of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 444-462). Nashville, TN: United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship.
Baran, E., & Correia, A.-P. (2009). Facilitation strategies in online discussions: when the students take the lead. Distance Education, 30(3), 339-361.
Karpova, E., Correia, A.-P., & Baran, E. (2009). Learn to use and use to learn: technology in virtual collaboration experience. The Internet and Higher Education, 12(1), 45-52.
Correia, A.-P., Hargrave, C., Leigh, P., Michelini, C., Niederhauser, D., Schmidt, D., & Thompson, A., (2009). The Making of an online masters program in the North American context. In A. Tatnall & A. Jones (Eds.), Education and Technology for a Better World, (pp.148-156). New York: Springer.
Correia, A.-P., & Davis, N. (2008). Intersecting communities of practice in distance education. Distance Education, 29(3), 289-306.
Correia, A.-P. (2008). Team conflict in ICT-rich environments: Roles of technologies in conflict management. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39(1), 18-35.
Correia, A.-P., & Davis, N.E. (2007). Comunidades de práctica complementarias: el equipo del programa y la comunidad en línea del curso [Complementary communities of practice: the program team and the online course community]. Teoría de la Educación: Monográfico Especial in Comunidades Virtuales de Práctica y Aprendizaje, 8(3), 60-85. (in Spanish)
Watson, C., Correia, A., Lee, M., & Schwen, T. (2004a). Fostering constructive dialogue: Building toward more effective communication in the educational technology field. Educational Technology, 44(2), 54-58.
Watson, C., Correia, A., Lee, M., & Schwen, T. (2004b). Debate, dialogue, and growth in the field. In response to Richard E. Clark. Educational Technology, 44(5), 64.
Stanton, N., Correia, A.-P., & Dias, P. (2000). Efficacy of a map on search, orientation and access behaviour in a hypermedia system. Computers & Education, 35(4), 263-271.
Dias, P., Gomes, M., & Correia, A.-P. (1999). Disorientation in hypermedia environments: mechanisms to support navigation. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 20(2), 93-117.
Dias, P., Gomes, M., & Correia, A.-P. (1998). Hipermédia & Educação [Hypermedia & Education]. Braga, Portugal: “Casa do Professor,” 223 p. (in Portuguese)
Dias, P., & Sousa [Correia], A.-P. (1997). Understanding navigation and disorientation in hypermedia learning environments. Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 6(2), 173-185.