Career Highlights
Expert in learning design and educational technology, specializing in online learning and teaching, mobile learning, collaborative learning, and human-computer interaction with numerous citations in Google Scholar.
Leads the Learning & Experience Design Research Group, a group dedicated to investigating learning design processes and pedagogies to create deep learning at The Ohio State University.
Published over 100 refereed papers and book chapters in three different languages: English, Portuguese, and Spanish; presented over 150 academic papers around the world.
Co-developed the Nomophobia Questionnaire (NMP-Q) to assess user’s levels of nomophobia (from absent to severe).
Received the 2023 Best Book Chapter Award from the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Division of Distance Learning.
Her work has been featured on the Today Show, The Columbus Dispatch, and HuffPost, among other media outlets.
Redesigns and teaches courses to meet graduate students’ evolving programmatic needs.
Teaches in the online Masters of Learning Technologies. Launched in August 2016, this program is ranked No. 8 in the U.S. News and World Report rankings.
Was awarded the 2020 Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT) Division of Distance Learning’s Crystal Award on “The Circulatory System and Associated Diseases,” developed in her class on Applied Instructional Design.
Professional/Leadership Experience
Directs Ohio State’s Center on Education and Training for Employment (CETE), a translational research center with 60+ employees that bridges research and practice through work in assessment, equity, engagement and evaluation, curriculum and training, professional learning for educators, and family engagement.
Serves as the Immediate Past Chair for the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Special Interest Group in Online Teaching and Learning.
Is a member of the Distance Education Editorial Board, a Taylor & Francis journal.
Engagement & Service
Offers consulting services in Educational Technology.
Creates educational products & solutions to serve communities and organizations.